What we believe
Our doctrinal beliefs can be expressed in the ancient creeds of the church (e.g. the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creed), Protestant Reformed confessions (e.g. 39 Articles of Faith), the Jerusalem Declaration as well as the doctrinal statement of the Gospel Coalition Canada.
Our Values
What Animates Us
We seek to have the Gospel (or good news) of Jesus Christ animate every aspect of church life. The entire biblical account, from the opening chapters in Genesis to the concluding words of Revelation, proclaims the good news that God has rescued broken and rebellious people through the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ. All who put their faith in him are forgiven, restored and welcomed into a new and eternal family.
God’s Word Written
The Bible is God’s Word written for all. It is therefore the ultimate authority for the spiritual life of the Christian and moral standard for all of humanity. In the pages of the Bible, God has revealed to us His character and will for His creation and His church. Therefore, the entirety of the Bible is central to our congregation. We strive to hear God’s voice and know His will in the pages of the Bible.
Church Life
Growth Together
The church is central to life as a Christian. In fact, a biblical picture of the Christian life cannot be realized without being connected to a community of fellow Christians. We are united by our common faith in Christ, not by our demographic or socioeconomic status or anything else that would normally divide. As this community of faith, we seek to grow together through prayer, worship, service and encouragement. We are also connected through shared beliefs and worship with Christians across the world and throughout history.
Good deeds and Good words
The Gospel of Christ is good news that we want to share with our friends, family, colleagues and neighbours. That same Good News compels us to love our neighbours by serving them in ways that help to alleviate suffering and see them flourish as people with intrinsic and immeasurable worth. This is a key way we show our love to God, by loving our neighbours!
Church of the Messiah-West exists to make disciples of Jesus, gripped by the gospel, living for God’s glory
Our Mission
About Us
Daniel Avitan has been involved in church ministry for close to a decade, serving in the local church. Daniel was ordained in the Spring of 2019 in the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC). He is a graduate of Ryle Theological Seminary (Ottawa, ON). Daniel is happily married to Christine. They live in the neighbourhood with their 3 young children.